Calderwood property elopement ~ Sofia & David

Sun showers and double rainbows for your elopement!

As storms brewed mid afternoon and rain had been bucketing in all directions I drove down to Calderwood to meet Sofia and David and the family for their elopement. Super anxious we would have to do end up doing it indoors I tried to keep my hopes up….

As we arrived everyone had that buzz about them but also a lil bit of we should probably get the ceremony done before everyone gets wet. The clouds didn’t rain but instead parted for some nice soft lighting for the ceremony. Cows even gathered to celebrate the joining of these two. We got a bunch of portraits with the family as they specified that everyone of the family needs a photo as much as they did.

Then we cruised around the property and got some epic shots looking over the hills and escarpment of Calderwood. As it started to rain we got a few last shots and headed inside… but then the sun popped out and we had to get a few photos in the sun shower. Probably some of my favourite shots so far! Then a double rainbow to finish an absolute belter of an afternoon!

Don’t hold your breath for good weather or bad weather because it can go either way!

“Todd captured our wedding perfectly, we are so pleased”

- Sofia & David

My 2024 packages start at $2800


Ash & Alexia